Channel: Angelus Brand
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: cosplaybaby yodahow tocustom bootspainting leathercustom costumeangelus shoe polishleather painthow to make clothes look worncustom helmetmandalorianworn cosplaymandalorian helmetangelus directtutorialstar warshow to paint leatherhow to prep leatherbullet hole tutorialangelus branddiy costumehow to paint a bullet holehow to paint cosplayhow to weather cosplaycosplay helmetangelus paintmandalorian diyleather canvas
Description: There's no doubt that the Mandalorian left us wanting more after the Season 2 Finale. What better way to show our fandom than to customize our very own Mando costume, and of course show you how to do the same. Tommy from Bear Gallery takes you step by step through turning a plain Mandalorian costume into a realistic piece of art that looks like it just came out of battle. 0:00 - Intro/B-Roll 0:29 - Preview 1:04 - Jacket 1:35 - Leather/Armor 2:46 - How to Paint Realistic Bullet Holes 6:47 - How to create the Chipping Paint effect 8:20 - How to create the Algae effect 9:15 - The Helmet 10:46 - Canvas Materials 11:55 - Cape 12:58 - Different Leathers 14:00 - Boots 14:51 - Outro 15:20 - B-Roll and Final Product Watch Tommy guide you through transforming a store bought costume into a fan statement that is ready for any cosplay event, Star Wars convention, or decorative art for your house (if your spouse will let you). Grab your paint and get ready for a one of a kind tutorial. Follow artist: Watch, Like and Subscribe and please let us know what you think of this tutorial in the comments Website: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Like Us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Shop online: Email us: Find us at your local retailer: #angelustutorials #angeluspaint #customshoes